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Panelists will be discussing the impact of potential infrastructure policy on the state of Georgia, particularly around sustainable technologies and equitable community projects. They will discuss the mechanics of the infrastructure bills, the types of projects that might get funded, and address why Georgia companies should care about the disbursal of these funds.

Please join us as we discuss how the Federal Infrastructure Bills may impact and benefit Georgia.

These expert speakers will be streaming live from the TAG office.

Meet our speakers:

Amol Naik
Principal of Squire Patton Boggs, formerly the Chief Resilience Officer & Senior Advisor to the Mayor of Atlanta
Wilson Mallard
Director of Renewable Development, Georgia Power
Marilyn Brown
Professor of Sustainable Systems, School of Public Policy at Georgia Tech; a lead researcher for the Drawdown Georgia project
Cynthia Curry
Director, Metro Atlanta Chamber and Smart Communities & Sustainability Society Board Member

Thank you to our sponsor

November 10, 2021

8:30 am - 10:00 am



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