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Join us for an enriching conversation that transcends the boundaries of technology. This empowering webinar delves into AI, cyber, and the potential use of technology in the critical and nuanced journey of recovery from domestic violence. In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, we recognize the pressing need to address the challenges faced by survivors and advocates.  This conversation will also look ahead to securing digital spaces and the ethical applications of technology for navigating recovery.


Kimberly J. August
Deputy General Counsel of Litigation and Regulatory Services Group, The Housing Authority of the City of Atlanta
Cassia Baker
Technology Project Manager – Cybersecurity, Georgia Institute of Technology
YuHua Chen
Legal Advocate, Women’s Resource Center to end Domestic Violence
Dr. Courtney Crooks
Principal Research Scientist, Georgia Tech Research Institute
Dr. Sneha Talwalkar
Security Researcher, Georgia Institute of Technology


Thank you to our Society Sponsor

March 25

3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Society: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Jessica Harris