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Pre-registration will close Wednesday, August 24th at 12pm. After this time, on-site registration will be $125 for all individual tickets.

Per CDC recommendations, people with symptoms, a positive test, or exposure to someone with COVID-19 should stay home. Masks are optional.

Come join the Infrastructure Society for their annual Data Center Summit for an immersive experience at the Illuminarium in Midtown. Option to enjoy the new SPACE show during networking hour.

Welcome Remarks:

Andre Dickens
Mayor, City of Atlanta
Larry Williams
President & CEO, Technology Association of Georgia

Impact of Digital Infrastructure On Communities Panel:

Terry Comer
Impact Data
Chris Pumphrey
Douglas Co.
Jeff Uphues
DC Blox
Malaika Rivers
Lexicon Strategies

Georgia’s Competitive Edge: Available, Inexpensive, & Redundant Power Panel:

Didi Caldwell
Global Location Strategies
Trayvon Leslie
Georgia Power
Ben Oberman
Silicon Ranch
Jeff Pratt
Green Power EMC
Peter Schempp
Chateau Energy Solutions

The Future of Data Center Designs Panel:

Corey Bobo
Cleveland Electric
John Dumler
DC Blox
Corey Lemming
Evans General Contractors
David Quirk
DLB Associates
Jake Seau
Evans General Contractors

Georgia Market Report

Mike Lash



5:00-6:00 pm Check-in & Networking
5:20-6:00 pm Option to experience SPACE Show or continue networking
6:00-8:00 pm Panel Program

August 25, 2022

5:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Society: Infrastructure Jessica Harris


Event Category: