Arketi Group named Vice President Star VanderHaar its chief operating officer. In addition, the firm elevated Jason Andrews and Charles Askew to the positions of studio director and interactive director, respectively. With more than 25 years of integrated marketing experience and 13-plus years with Arketi, VanderHaar is an expert in business-to-business (B2B) communications, strategy development and campaign execution. In her new role, VanderHaar will oversee Arketi’s day-to-day operations and fulfillment of the firm’s corporate purpose. She will also provide clients with strategic messaging, digital marketing, public relations and lead generation counsel.

“Star’s role as COO is reflective of her proven ability to serve as a mentor to many Arketi team members both past and present, all while continuing to grow her skills and provide our B2B clients with stellar campaigns and creative support,” said Arketi CEO Mike Neumeier, APR. “Star plays an instrumental role in Arketi’s mission to enable every communications professional to achieve their full potential and realize success throughout their careers.”

In his position as Studio director, Andrews will oversee Arketi’s creative process from concept to completion, working with the firm’s clients to translate marketing objectives into engaging creative strategies and assets. He will now manage day-to-day Studio processes and continue to provide print and digital design consultation with a strong focus on user experience and interface.

Arketi’s Studio also saw the promotion of Askew to the position of interactive director. There, he will lead the firm’s efforts to develop and produce interactive digital products, environments, systems and services. Askew is one of Arketi’s longest-tenured employees and is a creative artist, web developer, animator and all-around digital media expert. In addition, Arketi promoted Destiny Thompson to the position of account executive; hired Madison McConnell as account coordinator; and saw the return of two former Arketi staffers, Jacob Hamilton and Karsten Burgstahler, who joined the firm as marketing manager and senior content creator, respectively.

“As Arketi continues to grow, we will strive to provide our team with the tools and resources needed to grow individually, as well as professionally,” Neumeier said. “That is why Arketi grounds itself within its core values to be our best selves, to be of service to our community and to let our work reflect us.”

About Arketi Group

Arketi Group is a digital marketing and public relations firm that helps business-to-business technology organizations accelerate growth and generate revenue through intelligent strategy, public relations, messaging, branding and demand generation. Consistently recognized by Chief Marketer magazine as one of the nation’s “B2B Top Shops” and a “Chief Marketer 200” firm, Arketi helps its clients use marketing to generate revenue. Companies benefiting from this approach to B2B marketing include Cox, CHEP, DefenseStorm, FLEETCOR, HYCU, Iron Mountain, Körber, NCR and Zyxel. For more information, call 404-451-7832 or visit