By Larry K. Williams, TAG President and CEO

Happy new year! TAG is hitting the ground running in 2023, and we want to invite you to join us on this exciting journey.

As part of our Bridge Builders, we are hosting TAG Connect on January 24th. The event will connect Black tech entrepreneurs with access to procurement opportunities from buyers. Sellers will present their services or products in a shark-tank style presentation directly to corporate decision markers. Registration for TAG Connect closes on Monday, January 23rd, so be sure to sign up today!

To continue to highlight and celebrate our incredible pool of talent, the TAG Technology Awards will be held on March 29th. Nominations are open to any company, organization and leader located in Georgia. Get your applications in now, as they will close on January 20th.

Finally, please mark your calendars for the Georgia Technology Summit on May 3rd. The event will highlight some of the great innovations and strategies that are leading the way in Georgia’s vast technology ecosystem. We will soon be revealing our exciting roster of keynote speakers, and you won’t want to miss out!

I look forward to all that 2023 has in store for us. No matter what opportunities or challenges come our way, one thing is certain: Georgia’s incredible tech community has the ingenuity and determination to face them head on. Here’s to a successful and fulfilling year ahead!