Georgia leads the world in many technology categories and Digital Health is one where we excel. Georgia has almost 45,000 professionals employed in digital health representing 200 companies. The overall economic impact to the state reaching over $20 billion. In Georgia we have a robust community of digital health leaders including large enterprises, startup companies and research & development through our universities and private sector partners. This community position Georgia as a global leader in Digital Health.

The pandemic has put the abilities of digital to benefit our residents in many ways. Enabling broader use of telemedicine to allow people access to healthcare we maintaining a safe location as well as artificial intelligence and machine learning that will allow faster and more effective ways to diagnose illnesses and provide treatments at the earliest possible opportunity. You can read more about Georgia’s digital health industry HERE.

On October 29 we are proud to partner on the GA Healthcare Innovation Challenge with Navicent Health, GA HIMSS and ATV.  The objective is to “foster innovative collaboration between medical providers and technology providers”.

You can also get more involved in TAG’s digital health community by attending the TAG Digital Health Leadership Summit on November 12.

I look forward to seeing you there.

Larry K. Williams

President & CEO