By Larry K. Williams, TAG President and CEO

One of TAG’s foundational pillars is PROMOTE. As such, part of our mission is to tell the story of Georgia’s innovation ecosystem across the country and beyond.

In the last few weeks, I’ve had the pleasure of doing exactly that. In November, I sat down with Neil Hughes for an interview on the Tech Talks Daily Podcast, which has listeners in 165 countries. Neil was particularly interested in learning more about Georgia’s status as a renowned tech hub and how TAG is supporting the tech workforce of tomorrow at the state level.

I was also invited to further promote Georgia’s tech ecosystem on an episode of Innovating with Scott Amyx, which is set to release on January 10th. Scott and I spoke about how other regions can be intentional in fostering an innovation economy. He was particularly interested in learning how our region emerged as a fintech and cyber security hub.

And, earlier this month, Bisnow released an article about Atlanta’s resilience amidst the ongoing waves of layoffs in tech companies across the U.S., which TAG contributed and supported.

It’s apparent that the story of Georgia’s innovation economy deeply resonates with audiences around the country and world. Other cities, states and countries are genuinely inspired by the ‘Georgia way,’ which is a testimony of what every single one of you is doing to make our region the tech hub it is today. And, I look forward to elevating our combined voices in the coming year.