One of the keys to innovation is the savvy to ride a powerful marketing wave, and the folks at Atlanta Inno have found a great vehicle. Voting is already underway for its annual Tech Madness bracket challenge, pitting 32 Atlanta startups against one another in a friendly competition decided by reader vote.
Six of this year’s 32 companies are included on TAG FinTech’s ecosystem map (and I see at least two more we should probably add), a testament to the prominence and growth of FinTech in Atlanta’s thriving tech scene.
The process is decidedly unscientific, which can be part of the fun. Atlanta Inno offers no guidance as to criteria on which to assess the winners, and there are no qualifications for voting. But let’s face it- this is no different than the typical NCAA office pool, in which half the decisions are based on mascots, jersey colors, or which cities have the most climate-friendly policies. My own irrational bias- I deducted points for having appeared on Shark Tank (I’ll let you do the sleuthing from there.)
In other words, don’t take it too seriously. At minimum, by perusing the bracket I bet you’ll discover a few new interesting Atlanta companies- just as I did. If you’re reading this too late to participate in the Round of 32 (for which voting ends Thursday March 12 at midnight) don’t fret, the Challenge proceeds on a round-by-round basis, with a champion crowned on Tuesday, March 31. Only elbow bumps will be allowed at the podium celebration.
Vote early, vote often, and vote FinTech!