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Event online registration will close August 21st at 4pm. After this time, we will offer on-site registration.

Join us for a late afternoon of drinks, hors d’oeuvres and networking with your Cleantech and Sustainability colleagues as we welcome the latest batch of companies to have established new or expanded presence in Georgia’s thriving ecosystem.

This will be our first annual TAG’s Smart Communities & Sustainability Society’s Welcome to Atlanta mixer, which provides ample time for networking with new and old colleagues in a wonderful setting – in this case the Metro Atlanta Chamber’s fabulous offices. You’ll also hear brief comments from several of our scene’s exciting newcomers, reflecting on their model and why they chose Georgia to build their businesses.

Meet the exciting newcomers:

EnviroSparkHelioxChart IndustriesCherry Street EnergyElectric Owl Studios, and SK Battery America.


Thank you to our Society Annual Sponsor


Event Sponsorship opportunities available! Please reach out to jessica@tagonline.org to learn more. 

Per CDC recommendations, people with symptoms, a positive test, or exposure to someone with COVID-19 should stay home. Masks are optional. 


August 22, 2023

4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Society: Smart Communities & Sustainability Jessica Harris