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Pre-registration will close Wednesday, December 7th at 3pm. After this time, the on-site registration fee will be $40 for all. Register today for discounted pre-registration rates ($15 for members and $35 for non-members)! 

Veterans receive discounted ticket pricing. Please email jessica@tagonline.org for code.

TAG Cloud Society and TAG Infrastructure Society presents a lunch filled with FACTS, FOOD, and FUN. Our panel will discuss their journeys from their service in the military to where they are today. They will provide valuable insights on how they have leveraged their background as well as share ideas for hiring from the military.

This roundtable discussion will be moderated by Chris Carter (once a Marine, always a Marine) and will be a lively and informative dialogue on how military experience has paid dividends for our panelists.

Meet our veteran speakers:

Walt Carter
Chief Digital Officer & CIO, Homestar Financial Corporation
Tim Huff
VP Leadership Development, Turknett Leadership Group
Tim Oergel Paal
CEO, Leadership Logic Consulting
Marline Thomas
Global IT Office of the CIO, Orbia
Chris Carter
Director US Microsoft Alliance, PwC


Thank you to our Event Sponsor

Thank you to our Cloud Society Annual Sponsor

Thank you to our Infrastructure Society Annual Sponsors

Per CDC recommendations, people with symptoms, a positive test, or exposure to someone with COVID-19 should stay home. Masks are optional.

December 8, 2022

11:00 am - 1:00 pm

Society: Cloud Infrastructure Jessica Harris