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Join us for an insightful discussion with a diverse panel perspective with Atlanta’s leading Transportation and Logistics Technology Industry leaders as they share their perspectives on the current and future state of freight brokerage, fuel distribution, and fleet telematics and intelligence for providing data-driven insights to improve fleet performance. Together, these companies represent a comprehensive ecosystem driving innovation in the transportation and logistics industry.

Also, special guest Lawrence Bader, retired, 30-year veteran with UPS Global Fleet Systems Director; and now Principal at Advanced Transportation Technology LLC, speaks to the State of the Global Fleet Industry and what is driving innovation in the Global Automotive Fleet Systems.


Meet our Speakers
John E. Kosar, III
Vice President – Transportation, Logistics and Mobility at Sparq
Lawrence Bader
Retired UPS Global Fleet Systems Director; Principal at Advanced Transportation Technology LLC, driving industry innovation
Chris McRae
Client Partner at Sparq
Vadim Ratokhin
Vice President Information Technology at UPS
Vivaldo Moraes Pinto Junior
Vice President of Technology at Michelin Connected Fleet


Thank you to our Event Sponsor


Thank you to our Annual Supply Chain, Logistics & Manufacturing Society Sponsors

J.M. Huber, Arbor Day Foundation Partner to Plant Trees




Online registration will close by 12:00 PM on March 5th. On-site registration is available after this time.

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