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Join us for an insightful conversation with industry leaders on how young professionals can benefit from AI at workplace. Get answers to some key questions such as What is an actionable item that a Young Professional can take away from this event and implement in the workplace using AI to be a more productive employee? What new skills will be needed to work effectively with AI security tools, or education credits/courses that YoPros should take on AI to set themselves ahead in the workplace?




Aaron French
Assistant Professor at Coles College of Business at Kennesaw State
Christian Hyatt
CEO at Risk3Sixty
Tyler Johnson
Co-Founder and CTO at PrivOps
Julie Rachel
Regional Director, Cloud Solution Architects at Microsoft
Sarah Woodward
CEO and Founder of AI GrowthOps



Pre-registration will close at 9:00 AM on July 24th. After this time, you can register on-site.

Please note that if you belong to a member organization but have not yet connected to your company’s membership, you will need to complete the membership opt-in form before the member rate is available to you.

July 24, 2024

5:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Society: Young Professionals Jamarius Cole