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From driver-platooning to driverless platooning and full autonomous navigation, this is a big part of the future and how transportation technologies are and will disrupt Logistics. As same-day/just in time deliveries, driver shortages and congestion on the roads begin to shape the business case for faster and more efficient means to transport goods and materials on our roadway networks, are these disruptive technologies offer a promising solution.  These and other considerations are helping to build a compelling argument to bring autonomous driving technologies to create economies of scale, more environmentally friendly vehicles and to alleviate the congestion on the road networks.  Gain insights into the current state of autonomous vehicles and the potential impact on the Trucking industry and Logistics in general. Our panel of industry leaders will tackle autonomous vehicle topics on everything from cybersecurity, consumer adoption, regulatory challenges and many more.
  • Michael McLary CEO, Ascend Transport Group
  • John Hibbard Director of Operations, GDOT
  • Greg Krongold Engineering Manager, UPS l  Advanced Technology Group
  • Andreas Boedenauer CEO, AGILOX North America, Inc.
  • Jannine Miller Director of Planning, GA Department of Transportation


Members: $10

Non-Members: $30

August 26, 2021

7:30 am - 9:30 am

Society: Transportation Tech Jessica Harris


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