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You’re invited to network with the entrepreneurial community and support startup competitors from GA and all over the USA as CodeLaunch sponsors and partners help accelerate winning startup ventures toward MVP, Funding, and eventual success.  CLTAG-VIP gets anyone who uses it 100% off any ticket they choose, limited to 50 uses.  CLTAG-VIP50 gets anyone who uses it a 50% discount and is unlimited in uses. CodeLaunch is a quarterly traveling startup conference. CodeLaunch is produced by Improving and is guided by the principles of Conscious Capitalism. The event includes the finale’ of a national seed accelerator competition, a startup and partner trade show, and a high energy networking after-party. CodeLaunch is where angels and VCs can plant the Deal Flow seeds that grow into tomorrow’s opportunities.  Doors: 4:30pm  Competition: 5:30pm  Expo: 6:30pm – 9pm  Hor D’oeuvres and Bar Service service provided.

August 18, 2021

4:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Society: Heather Maxfield

Phone: 404-920-2022

Email: heather@tagonline.org


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