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As TAG Fintech’s Innovation Challenge enters its eleventh year, join us as we reconnect with founders of standout companies from past cycles – both award recipients and startups who emerged as winners regardless – for updates on their journeys building fintech’s from the ground up.

Plus great networking and a skyline view!



Jack Markwalter
CEO & Co-Founder of VIVA Finance
Nathan Regan
COO, Arcum
Brian Lanehart
President & Co-Founder of Momnt



Thank you to our Venue Sponsor


Thank you to our Annual Society Sponsors



Pre-registration will close at 9:00 AM on July 23rd. After this time, you can register on-site.

Please note that if you belong to a member organization but have not yet connected to your company’s membership, you will need to complete the membership opt-in form before the member rate is available to you.

July 23, 2024

5:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Society: Jessica Harris

Email: jessica@tagonline.org