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Companies are increasingly seeking to implement AI into their workflows to improve business operations, market positioning, and to innovatively grow in their field. Join us for a panel, and table discussions over dinner, to hear from these leaders about their experiences, advice, and vision for the future from gaining real value from AI for business impact and doing so while keeping ethical considerations in mind.

This is a TAG Members Only Event.

Interested in TAG Membership? Reach out to Alex@tagonline.org to activate today!


Meet our speakers


Beverly Wright, PhD, CAP
Vice President Data Science & AI, Wavicle Data Solutions
Event MC
Christopher Cirelli
Director Data Science & Generative AI, AIG
Hemant Deulkar
Senior Director Market Planning, LexisNexis Risk Solutions
Sam Krishnamurthy
Chief Technology Officer Digital Solutions, Crawford & Company
Bayron Quintero
CEO, iData Global Analytics
Vadim Yesepkin
Insurance Practice Leader, Wavicle Data Solutions
Shashank Honavar
Managing Principal, S-square D-square, LLC
Closing Remarks



Thank you to our Event Sponsors



Wavicle Data Solutions


Thank you to our Society Annual Sponsors

J.M. Huber Corporation Recognized as a US Best Managed Company Gold Standard Honoree



Pre-registration will close at 12:00 PM on May 16th. After this time, you can register on-site.

Please note that if you belong to a member organization but have not yet connected to your company’s membership, you will need to complete the membership opt-in form before the member rate is available to you.

May 16, 2024

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Society: Data Science & AI Jamarius Cole Jessica Harris